The EN series screw compressors are encapsulated and carry all the functions within a common housing. With small footprint, low maintenance and high reliability, the EN series compressors are best suited for various industrial applications where cost, efficiency and size matter. EN series offer a 6 year warranty
- Textiles
- Paper
- Food processing
- Automotive
- fabrication workshops
- Best in class reliability
- Best in class operating cost
- Energy efficient and low operating cost
- Compact design
- Encapsulated airends
- Low running noise
Best-in-class reliability
ELGi EN Series Compressors are designed to encapsulate all functional components and compressor within a common housing with its small footprint, High reliability & low maintenance requirements.
Compact and elegant design
Our EN Series Screw Compressor comes with space saving design powered by ELGi's energy-efficient eta-V profiles which has zero leakage due to integration of components & connections
Energy-efficient, encapsulated air ends
EN series screw air compressor is filled with ELGi's unique assembly which is energy efficient, has minimal pressure drop across the system, compact & silent.
Best-in-class maintenance and operating cost
Due to our efficient air filtration system in EN Series Screw Air Compressor, cleaner suction air keeps the internal components of the compressor clean which helps in maintaining optimum cooling efficiency and low oil-fill hence increasing the longer life of consumables.
Electronics Industry
EN series screw air compressors power robotic machinery responsible for the precise placement of components. In many applications, air-compressor-driven pick-and-place systems are preferred over their electric or hydraulic counterparts due to their lightweight nature, durability, reduced safety risks, ease of maintenance, and adaptability to extreme temperatures. Furthermore, air compressors play a pivotal role in printed circuit board (PCB) production, facilitating desoldering and equipment testing. Compressed air is used for tasks such as parts cleaning, PCB testing, and maintaining consistent quality standards throughout the production cycle.
Food and Beverage Industry
In the Food and Beverage Industry, compressed air plays an important role in generating contamination-free compressed air essential for packaging, labeling, and bottling tasks. Its application in the food sector safeguards against the intrusion of foreign particles that could compromise the production process, thereby guaranteeing the safety and excellence of the end products. The combination of En series technology in conjunction with the ELGi Air Mate system offers a dependable source of top-tier compressed air, perfectly suited for applications not directly linked to food processing.
Chemical Industry
The chemical industry uses oil-lubricated compressors for a variety of applications. EN series is compact and offers a space-saving design powered by ELGi’s energy-efficient η-V profile, with low possibility of leaks due to integrated components and connections. These compressors help to maintain specific pressure conditions, remove gases or vapors, and facilitate various processes.
Automotive Industry
EN series rotary screw compressors play a vital role in delivering a reliable source of clean and uniform compressed air to the automotive industry. These compressors serve as the backbone of assembly lines, where they provide the necessary power for pneumatic robots and tools. These automated systems carry out a range of precision tasks including painting, sanding, and welding with exceptional accuracy and efficiency.
Aerospace & Defense
EN series screw-type compressors are well suited to supplying fuel injection and efficient air-to-metal finishing with their compact design and low noise levels. These air compressors make it easy to monitor the air quality and protect sensitive equipment in aerospace & defense sectors.
Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare
In Pharmaceutical and healthcare industry, EN series has a slow-running airend with fewer parts and connections than any other compressor in its class, which ensures minimal maintenance. With our EN screw air compressor, dust, dirt, and rust can be removed from pneumatic components like valves and cylinders, preventing friction and increasing the efficiency.
Customer Stories
Dry ice blasting facility north of Houston
“Our customers expect the best, and if our compressed air has oily condensate in the lines, it can easily ruin a project. The ELGi EN-Series combined with the CAST installation allows us to perform quality work each time.”
- Owner